Our number one priority is a new mobile production truck! With $97,383 we can equip a whole new vehicle with its own generator, an improved Telex intercom, audio mixer, TriCaster 450 Extreme production switcher, New Tech 3-Play Replay system, a Teradeck Cube video transceiver, and wireless streaming for live events. Upgrading to a smaller, more fuel-efficient model means we’d be able to access more remote locations.
If you’re an Amazon shopper, use https://smile.amazon.com to send .5% to KMVT with every qualified purchase. It’s free to you and great for us!
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$35 provides one hour of studio time for a community producer
$65 rents a camera for a nonprofit agency
$150 means an in-studio Public Service Announcement for a local school
$350 puts a low-income middle schooler through Media Camp
$1,000 covers a high school sport event
$5,000 buys a new cinema camera just for volunteers
$10,000 is one month’s rent